Privacy Films

Privacy Films

Our privacy films reduce glare, protect from damaging UV rays while offering you privacy.

Privacy Films

A great and cost effective way to add privacy and protection to your home or business. 


Provides privacy for your home or business where needed, can be used to set up partitions or give you or you’r employees a sense of privacy and personal space.

Protection from Harmful UV 

With the increase in awareness over the last few years of the negative effects UV rays can have on your skin its important to remember UV can still effect you indoors sitting for long periods of time in direct sunlight will have the same effect on your skin as it would if you where outside in the sun. Window films can help prevent this by reducing the amount of harmful UV rays by up to 99%.

Decorative Appearance

Window films can also be used to add decoration they can be cut to shape making patterns or shapes as well as digitally printed onto to the options are limitless what you can do with these films.
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